Guidelines on the processing of personal data for political campaigning purposes

Guidelines on the processing of personal data for political campaigning purposes

In any democratic society, political parties and campaigners must be able to communicate effectively with constituents. For the integrity of elections and democracy, it is therefore critical that all those involved in political campaigning, handle and process personal data in a way that is compliant with the data protection laws.

The Guidelines on the processing of personal data for political campaigning purposes (the “Guidelines”) have been adopted to provide a clear and uniform interpretation of the applicability of the General Data Protection Regulation (the “Regulation”) and the Data Protection Act (Chapter 586 of the Laws of Malta) (the “Act”) in the political environment where political parties and candidates process personal data for the purposes of carrying out political campaigning and promoting their political ideologies and messages.

You may find the guidelines on the following hyperlink: Guidelines on the processing of personal data for political campaigning purposes

Author: Cynthia Duncan

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