GDPR awareness campaign and support to business organisations, in particular, SMEs
The Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner (IDPC) is the national Data Protection Authority in Malta tasked with supervising the application of the data protection law, providing expert advice and managing complaints of violations. In addition, IDPC also receives regular requests for meetings from controllers, in which the necessary advice on data protection is provided accordingly. Such figures portray the national need for increased awareness and assistance in compliance.
As a result, during 2019, IDPC managed to secure EU funding under the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme 2014-2020 with the project entitled GDPR awareness campaign and support to business organisations, in particular, SMEs – GDPRights.
This project sought to achieve the following two objectives:
1. Increase awareness amongst the Maltese general public and business stakeholders on data protection this was achieved through the development and implementation of an Awareness Raising Campaign, using both digital and traditional media tools, targeting the Maltese general public, informing them of their rights under GDPR; For the IDPC Awareness Campaign one may access through IDPC Awareness Campaign - IDPC
2. Assist SMEs, in particular, to facilitate compliance with their obligations through the development of an Online Self-Assessment Compliance tool for business stakeholders to measure compliance, identify gaps, provide tips, provide feedback and facilitate compliance under the GDPR with the development of an online tool. One may access the online tool from URL : Online Self-Assessment Compliance tool - IDPC